Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sultan Palace Of Yogyakarta

This palace or Kraton is used to be the central of Yogyakarta Kingdom. The Palace complex is circled by a fortress. It was built in 1756 by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I as the result of Giyanti Agreement in 1756 which had devided Mataram Kingdom into two; Kasultanan Yogyakarta and Kasunanan Surakarta. The sultanate of yogyakarta monarch lasted to 1945 when Indonesia declared its independence at 17 Agust 1945. sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX as the king of Yogyakarta at the time then declared the region to be part Indonesia. Even though Kraton is no longer to be the central of a government, up to now, it remains the central of Javanese culture where sutoms, art and monarch system are still best kept.

Inside the palace there are some functional buildings for certain purpose, they are: Pagelaran, Bangsal Pengapit, Bangsal Pengrawit, Siti Hinggil, Bangsal Manguntur Tangkil, Bangsal Witono, Balebang, Bale Angun-angun, Bangsal Ponconiti, Bangsal Sri Manganti, Bangsal Trajumas, Bangsal Mandalasana, Bangsal Proboyekso, Bangsal Kencana, Bangsal Manis, Gedong Jene and many more.

To preserve precious historical relics of Kraton Yogyakarta, some buildings are modified into museum, the include:

  1. Palanquin museum at Bangsal Trajumas

  2. Cup and crystal museum

  3. Painting and photograph museum at Bangsal Kesatriyan

  4. Museum of traditional costume and wedding ceremony at Bangsal Pengapit

  5. Batik museum which keeps Batik Yogyakarta style

  6. Museum Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX
    This museum is dedicated to honor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX both as a king and as national hero. It collects some personal belonging of Sultan like clothes, medals of Honor, letters and documents, house hold, photographs and many more.

  7. Chariots museum
    The museum is located at Jl. Rotowijayan nearby the Sultan Palace. Different from other museum in Kraton, it collects chariots used by Kraton Yogyakarta for specific occasion. Some of the collections are chariot named Kyai Kanjeng Nyai Jimat which is the oldest one, Kyai Garuda Yeksa which is used during coronation parade of Sultan, Kyai Ratapralaya, Kyai Harsunogo, and many others.

Up to now, Kraton become Sultan’s living place. It is open daily from 08.00 am to 1.00 pm except Friday from 08.00 am to 12.00 only.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

About Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta or Jogjakarta, Yogya or Jogja no metter how people call it, all refers to city with unique and rich culture which attracts people to visit it.

The city is founded in 1755, marked by the estabilishment of Sultan Kingdom, with its first king Sri Sultan Hamengkubuono I. As an old city, many archeological sites are found in Yogyakarta and its surrounding. They are not only from 18th century but also from previous centuries. In 16th century Yogyakarta was center of Mataram Islam Kingdom while further back in 8th century it was the center civilization influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism. It can be seen from temples found in Siwa Plateau (Prambanan, Ratu Boko, Kalasan, and surrounding area)

During the independence war, Yogyakarta played a major role in independence process of Indonesia. Many national heroes who were born in Yogyakarta like Ki Hajar Dewantara, K.H Ahmad Dahlan, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuono IX, and many more gave major contibution to the nation. One of the most important events recorded here was. Surprise Attack on 1 March 1949, Yogyakarta was also the capital of Insonesia during 1946-1949. More over, the city has long been famous as an Education City as many student from all around Indonesia and even from abroad come here to study.

As the center of culture and art, Yogyakarta provides many acces to experience Javanese culture trough art performences like clasical dance, puppet shoe and many others. Traditional values dan Javanese culture are best kept as a basic capital in developing the city in the future especiallu to be one of main tourist destination in Indonesia.

Yogyakarta Tourism Map

Sultan Palace

Prambanan Temple


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